Welcome to TEFL-C teacher certification programs

Prepared in association with Teachers College, Columbia University in the City of New York, TEFL-C's teacher certification programs in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Children represent the finest in specialized preparation programs for teachers of English working with children aged three to twelve in countries or regions in which English is not a commonly spoken language.


TEFL-C offers two levels of certification


TEFL-C Basic Certificate (60 hours)

Designed to give teachers a solid understanding of seven salient educational theories and approaches that relate to teaching English to young learners and to provide them with practical ideas for applying theoretical learning to classroom teaching.


TEFL-C Advanced Certificate (120 hours)

The TEFL-C Advanced Certificate is designed for teachers who are just entering the field of teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) to children or those who would like to refresh and improve their theoretical knowledge and practical delivery skills.

Earn more

Certified and qualified teachers command higher salaries

More opportunity

Qualify for your dream career as a teacher


Work at your own pace


Teachers College of Columbia University is well known and recognized worldwide